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Only a doctor can suggest if it is safe for you or not. Medical Tourism surgery is the least invasive bariatric surgery with fewer complications, less pain, less scarring, and a quicker recovery than any other form of obesity surgery.

The national mortality rate in Medical Tourism surgery is .05%. This is approximately 10 times safer then the gastric bypass. Medical Tourism usually has less chance of complications & does not alter the anatomy or physiology of the body. A qualified doctor will be able to provide advice on whether gastric bypass or Medical Tourism surgery is right for you.

The size and condition of the patient’s liver prior to surgical placement of the Medical Tourism is the primary safety concern. About two weeks before the surgery you will be on a special protein rich diet. You will have to reduce intake of foods that are high in sugar, fatty foods, fried foods & alcohol.

Medical Tourism Corporation network of hospitals have expert dieticians who guide on diet before & after the surgery.

During recovery you may feel the access port. After complete recovery & healing most people only realize they have a Medical Tourism when they eat.

The Medical Tourism is under the skin in the abdominal wall, and once the surgery incisions have healed it should not cause discomfort or limit your movements or any physical exercise. The only sensation you may have from the port is when you go in for adjustments.

After a Medical Tourism, a small meal should make you feel full.

It’s advised to give your body at least a year after the Medical Tourism surgery to recover on its own. After that you will be in a better position to know if you need a plastic surgery to remove any extra skin.

The first 3 to 4 days following gastric Medical Tourism surgery the patients must follow a clear liquid diet. Carbonated drinks are also not encouraged. Eating small solid quantities are recommended after recovery. Since the Medical Tourism restricts solid diet to 4 to 6 oz, nutritional value of the food you take is also important.

An expert dietician at Medical Tourism Corporation network hospital can guide you on the specifics based on individual case.